Welcome to the Blog

I am so happy that you are here. My goal is to provide education and support to those struggling with their emotional wellness. 

Cultivating Creation

The majesty of God’s design of creation is beautifully described in Psalm 104. From stretching

Kidneys Communicate

What is your default setting during times of stress? Do you default to fear or

The Greatest Awakening

I just had the honor of speaking in Jacksonville, Florida at The Greatest Awakening Conference.

Spiritual Sight

Our encounter with the physical world around us takes place through our five senses. We

Angelic Ministry

Angelic beings have played a big role throughout the history of creation. From written history

Self-Injury Awareness

March is a month in which education is done to promote greater understanding about self-injury. 

The Poetry of Names

Recently, I have been reading a book by Anne Hamilton about the identity, destiny, power

Family Gatherings

Some of my fondest memories of childhood were the family gatherings that would take place

Heart Health

February is a month for hearts! We celebrate loved ones on Valentine’s Day and during

Emotional Brain Rebalancing

Our brains have a natural way to recover from traumatic memories and events. This process

Understanding Dreams

There are a lot of benefits in knowing how to unpack and understand the dreams

Retuning the Mind

When we are learning any new skill, we know that growth requires practice. Whether it’s

Mind Field

What are you sowing in the field of your mind? There is a spiritual principle

The Language of Dreams

It is not uncommon for people to share dreams that they have had with me

Brain Health and the Tree of Life

We often think of the Tree of Life as only being in the Garden of

An Open Door

We are about to walk through an open door into 2024! I love the excitement

Movement Mapping

We are closing out 2023 and it is hard to believe that in just a


The celebration of Hanukkah began this week all over the world. This is the “festival

Roots and Foundations

I’ve heard it said that it’s important to finish strong. While I believe most of

Giving Thanks

We just celebrated Thanksgiving with family and friends a few days ago. As I reflect on


I have always loved music. Some of my fondest memories from childhood involved song. My

Overcoming Spiritual Conflict

The conflict over Israel that is happening presently is a battle over much more than

Power In Prayer

I’m sure like many of you, as a child, I learned simple prayers. My family

Being Stretched

I am in another stretching season. If you are like me, it is hard to

Beauty for Ashes

There is a centuries-old art of repairing broken pottery with gold that is believed to

Releasing From the Roots

Recently, I heard someone say “If there is fruit, then there is a root.” They

The Unchanging Goodness of God

Over the years, as I walk with individuals through healing from grief,  whether it is

Codependent Part 2

Part of my passion and purpose in walking with people in the restorative work that


This is a common scenario in my counseling office: A woman comes in who is

Cycles of Life

As a counselor, I spend a lot of time journeying with individuals through various cycles

Embracing Life – Suicide Prevention

National Suicide Prevention Week is coming up next month from September 10, 2023- September 16,

Measuring the Years

Today’s blog post is an excerpt from the book, The Crucible of Loss. Grief is

Tapping for Children

Over the past few years, I have watched the changes that my clients have experienced

Surrendering to Father’s Heart

I just returned from a short period of rest away from home. In this place

Just Breathe

Some friends and I just had a conversation about how challenging it is in this

Postponing the Pain (by Rebecca Day)

I was mad. I was irate, infuriated, and enraged, yet none of those wordsadequately expressed

The Crucible of Loss

Grief is one of the most painful emotions that we as humans walk through. Over

Love Heals

We are a part of an incredible, design created by God. From the vast cosmos

Frequency and Health

Several years ago, God invited me on an adventure of discovery that hasn’t ended! While


Blazing a new trail has challenges. It is so much easier to stay on the

Kingdom Power

Throughout history we have witnessed Kingdoms rise and fall in the quest for power. Even

Kingdom Authority

Friends, we have an important mission to complete! Understanding the authority that we have in


Have you ever noticed that no matter how hard you work for God, it doesn’t

Kingdom Identity

Image seems to be everything in our ever-changing society. Our closets are overflowing with trending

Born for Adventure

Most people find themselves completely wrapped up in the adventure of their favorite hero or

Healing Rejection Part 2

The root of rejection begins to take hold early in our lives. The enemy makes

Healing Rejection Part 1

Healing Rejection As a counselor, I walk with people all the time who have been

Singular Focus

Have you noticed how challenging it is to stay focused on any given task in

Know Your Heart

I’m sure we all can relate to having at least one difficult relationship in our

Swimming With the Current

The current of life seems to be flowing at a very fast speed. I shared

Preparing for Spring

When I’m preparing my flower beds for the winter season, there is always pruning that

Seasons of Change Part 1

Can you feel it? You may not be able to see it yet, but change

Spirit, Soul, and Body

Several years ago, God showed me that if I really want to help people heal