
I have always loved music. Some of my fondest memories from childhood involved song. My Dad had a whole repertoire of silly songs that he would entertain us with. As I got older, I was involved in every choir in school that I could participate in.  As a young adult the enemy began to target my voice. There wasn’t just one thing, but probably several events that contributed to my lack of freedom and confidence in singing or speaking in front of an audience. My voice and sound became a battleground of sorts. As I have supported other folks on their healing journeys, I have seen a pattern when it comes to God’s design. I’m sure you have seen this as well. The enemy targets God’s design and gifting in people. 

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10, NIV)

The Passion Translation puts it this way: A thief has only one thing in mind- he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect- life in its fullness until you overflow!

Heavenly Father, has been very persistent in prompting me to recover my voice. I began to teach and write over the past several years. Recently, however He opened another door of opportunity. In the summer of 2022 a friend of mine mentioned taking voice lessons. Something in my spirit, leaped inside me as I immediately thought, “I want to do that too!” I began taking voice lessons that summer. My voice through song was being revived.

Revive: restore to life or consciousness; give new strength or energy to.

It was truly like breathing life into a part of me that had stopped flowing. Last month I was presented with an unexpected invitation. God was stirring in the hearts of some friends of mine in Knoxville to host a tent revival. Many people were supporting this vision in various ways.  As time got closer for the revival to happen, there wasn’t anyone stepping forward to lead worship. As my friend was praying about it, she heard God say, “Ask Denise.” She sent me a text and said, “I don’t know if you sing, but…” I knew immediately that God was giving me an open door. I accepted His invitation. When I stepped off the stage from singing and leading worship, I was physically energized and flowing spiritually in a revived state! It is hard to put words to the freedom I felt. What about you? Can you recognize an area of your life that has not been flowing with life and energy? Maybe, if you give yourself permission, you might identify something that you used to enjoy that got stolen or shut-down and it’s time to let God bring revival to you.

Steps in Pursuit

  1. Reflect on things that you once enjoyed and honestly ask yourself what has changed?
  2. What is a step that you could take to reconnect to that part of your life?
  3.  Prayerfully ask God to breathe new life into these places that are a part of your beautiful design.

Sometimes in the busyness of life, we can forget how to live in the abundance and overflow that Jesus restores. As His Spirit fills us, we can experience our own personal tent revival!

Continue the Pursuit,


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