Welcome to the Blog

I am so happy that you are here. My goal is to provide education and support to those struggling with their emotional wellness. 

Kidneys Communicate

What is your default setting during times of stress? Do you default to fear or

Spirit, Soul, and Body

Several years ago, God showed me that if I really want to help people heal

Self-Injury Awareness

March is a month in which education is done to promote greater understanding about self-injury. 

Family Gatherings

Some of my fondest memories of childhood were the family gatherings that would take place

Heart Health

February is a month for hearts! We celebrate loved ones on Valentine’s Day and during

Emotional Brain Rebalancing

Our brains have a natural way to recover from traumatic memories and events. This process

Retuning the Mind

When we are learning any new skill, we know that growth requires practice. Whether it’s

Mind Field

What are you sowing in the field of your mind? There is a spiritual principle

Brain Health and the Tree of Life

We often think of the Tree of Life as only being in the Garden of

Roots and Foundations

I’ve heard it said that it’s important to finish strong. While I believe most of