
Love Heals

We are a part of an incredible, design created by God. From the vast cosmos to the atoms of each cell, creation speaks of the handiwork of God. 

Acts 17:28 says, For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain even of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

All matter has an energy vibration. Even though we know that thoughts and feelings impact our lives and those around us, we often don’t consider that our thoughts and feelings are matter that carry energy. With that energy comes the ability to create positive, life giving frequencies to ourselves and others or negative, depleting frequencies. 

The Incredible Machine, published by the National Geographic Society, describes how an adult human is made up of some 100 trillion cells. In every cell there exists an intelligent order called DNA. There are at least six billion steps of DNA in a single cell that record one life’s blueprint. Everything in life pours out of DNA. The interaction of emotions, thoughts and desires energetically flows through every cell of our body! Whether we are consciously aware or not, our bodies are being impacted by every feeling and thought that we experience. This cellular memory directs our attitudes and beliefs which then directs our behavior from that point throughout our life. 

Our body’s electrical system has a blueprint which requires it to be in balance if it is to function correctly. When we have negative/fear-based feelings or thoughts vibrating in our cellullar memories, the healthy flow of life is blocked. Every time we encounter something in life that promotes similar negative feelings that we have had in the past, it reinforces the energy blocks in our cells. These energy blocks are the cause of imbalance or illness in our bodies. Until we become consciously aware of these blocks and their root causes and are willing to change the energy around them, these feelings and their effects will continue to flow in our lives. 

Repentance is the path that God has given us to restore his loving design and flow of life back to our bodies, souls and spirits. Fear-based negative emotions entered the world at the fall when sin separated us from God’s truth. As a consequence death and disease did as well. We became disconnected from our Source of life and as a result we forgot who we really are. Dr. Bernie Siegel, in his book Love, Medicine & Miracles, says, “I suggest that patients think of illness not as God’s will but as deviation from God’s will.” He goes on to tell us,

I feel that all disease is ultimately related to a lack of love, or to love that is only conditional, for the exhaustion and depression of the immune system thus created leads to physical vulnerability. I also feel that all healing is related to the ability to give and accept unconditional love. I am convinced that unconditional love is the most powerful known stimulant of the immune system. If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer T cells, no one would know how. But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same changes happen automatically. The truth is: love heals.

Life is found in love. Love is the very nature of God, our creator. As we repent from the fear that has kept us bound up in rejection, we can receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ who perfects us in his love.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear… (I John 4:18, NASB). 

Steps in Pursuit

  1. Be intentional this week to speak loving words over yourself and others. 
  2. I often use “collarbone statements” with clients to reinforce at a deeper level the new thoughts and feelings we are promoting. As you tap or massage the area under your collarbones, try saying, “I accept myself completely by God’s love and design.” Repeat this 3x’s to reinforce this loving statement.
  3. Thank God for his incredible design of you! Psalm 139:14 is a great prayer: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

We can spend a lot of money trying to promote health in our bodies by going to the doctor and taking supplements, when the greatest key is LOVE!

Continue the Pursuit,


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