
Releasing From the Roots

Recently, I heard someone say “If there is fruit, then there is a root.” They were referring to a pattern of behavior that was being destructive in a person’s life. When we follow any pattern back to the origin, we can begin to understand where the “fruit” is being supported. This applies to good habits and patterns, as much as it applies to any negative ones. We can witness the truth of this all around us in the physical world, but there is a spiritual principle at the root of this truth. 

A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life, (Galatians 6:7-8, NIV).

In the previous chapter of Galatians, the Apostle Paul describes the beautiful, life giving fruit of the Spirit:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, (vs. 22-23).

Freedom comes from the unhealthy patterns in our lives as we release the roots that are producing negative fruit in ourselves and in our relationships, and begin to cultivate healthy patterns that are flowing from the Spirit of life and love, revealed to us in Jesus Christ.

I have witnessed this transformation as I support people on this healing journey in the therapeutic process. One approach that effectively supports this process is through Emotional Realignment. Emotional Realignment uses muscle response testing to identify subconscious root causes to help change emotional patterns and remove any blockages of growth in the body, soul, and spirit. When an emotion occurs, it is stored in the body in the meridian system (the energy channels that run over and through the body). Emotions have a vibrational frequency and will settle in an organ with a corresponding frequency. These negative emotions are held in the body and eventually produce physical and/or emotional pain. By using muscle response testing, the practitioner can help the client find and release energy blockages to help the body heal from trauma as well as the mind.

In my earlier years of treatment, when I practiced more traditional models of treatment, I found that I was involved in more symptom management. As I began to implement Emotional Realignment, we began releasing trapped emotions rooted in personal or generational emotional baggage from the past. Measurable and sustained changes started to happen for my clients. Children who couldn’t go to school without experiencing elevated anxiety could attend school successfully and not feel dread. Adults that battled depression for years began feeling joy again for the first time that they could remember. Not only was I witnessing emotional changes, but physical symptoms also began to change. Digestive imbalances started to improve which were a result of all the worry and stress. Several clients found relief from headaches and other bodily discomforts. As I began to work from an integrated framework that addressed the concerns of the spirit, soul, and body, significant changes came for my clients.

Part of the beauty of this process, is that anyone can learn the fundamental pieces and begin using it to help family and friends begin to release emotional blockages that are producing unhealthy patterns in their lives!

Continue the Pursuit,


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