Risk or Reckless

Recently, I was exploring the pros and cons of making a big change with one of my clients. As we dug into the benefits but also looked at possible challenges, we seemed to run into the belief that the decision felt “reckless” by the client. Some hurts from childhood were reinforcing those feelings. But as we were discussing what it could cost this client and her family, I heard Holy Spirit say to me, “Risk and Reckless are two different things.” When we looked at the definition of the two words, we found that in fact they were very different, even though in the moment, they were being used interchangeably. 

Risk- The possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty about the effects/implications of an activity with respect to something that humans value, often focusing on negative, undesirable consequences. 

Reckless- doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results.

Change often involves risk of one kind or another. When it comes to healing, there is the possibility that it could be hard and even involve pain. We all probably remember different “growing pains” that we have experienced at significant transitions in life. When feelings of fear tells us that we are being “dangerous” and even “reckless”, then we may choose to play it safe and stay where we feel comfortable. Fear offers us control in various forms, but the path of change is one of surrender.

 I remember as a child taking swimming lessons for the first time. As I hung onto the side of the pool, I had both the anticipation of what it would be like to be able to swim across the pool without any assistance, and the fear that I might not make it. The desire to learn this new skill and swim with my friends, helped me overcome any inner fear that was telling me the risk was too great. Did it involve some risk? Absolutely! But I’m so glad that I had the encouragement of my parents and the swim instructor to help me navigate the water. Inner healing and growth involves some risk, but as we surrender our fears and seek support from God and other caring individuals, we can overcome the risks and enjoy the benefits. When Jesus was calling his disciples to follow him, they had to decide if it was a risk they were willing to take.

As he was walking by the shore of Lake Galilee, Jesus noticed two fishermen who were brothers. One was Simon and the other was Andrew, his brother. Watching as they were casting their nets into the water, Jesus called out to them and said, “Come and follow me, and I will transform you into men who catch people for God.” (Matthew 4:18-19, TPT).

The next verse says, “Immediately they dropped their nets and left everything behind to follow Jesus.” (v.20)

Steps in Pursuit

  1. Psalm 46 says “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Take some time to prayerfully acknowledge that God is our source of safety and strength, during times of change.
  2. Think about what the disciples would have given up if they had stayed to fish instead of following Jesus. Are there areas of your life, that have offered comfort but could be keeping you from experiencing the next thing God has for you?
  3. Do the opinions of others, keep you from taking some risks that might bring the blessing of change? 

We may have to surrender some things and leave them behind to move forward into the plans that God has for us. Fear may accuse us of being “reckless” but the possibilities of growth, though risky, offer beautiful opportunities.

Continue the Pursuit,


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