
Life seems to be moving at such a fast pace with all of the activities we are involved in. From calendars to alarms on our phones, we have various systems to help us remember where we need to be next. Being able to remember things is absolutely essential for our wellbeing in this life. When we forget things, it can certainly throw things off course. I really see the truth of this when I am working with people in inner healing. All of us have experienced times in life that are hard to remember because of the pain attached. These are the moments in life that we would just as soon forget. In fact, it is very common for people to cope with painful memories by choosing to forget them. The problem with choosing to forget is that we never really heal from the pain. The body and soul is trapped in the effects of the pain. Consciously we may carry on as though nothing has happened, but subconsciously the pain is continuing to manifest in other ways. Ultimately it can impair our memory. Without the ability to remember, we would simply make the same mistake over and over again. Remembering allows us to grow and heal in every area of our lives. 

There is a Hebrew word for remember and it is the word Zakar. The first time we find this word in scripture is in Genesis at the time of the flood. It is used to describe God remembering his covenant with his people.

And I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh. (Genesis 9:15, NASB)

The word Zakar means to remember, recall, or call to mind. In the Bible it is a word that calls for action and is not simply taking a mental note. It means to use your hands, feet, and lips to engage in whatever action remembrance requires. It is spelled Zayin, Kaph and Resh. In the original pictograph the word Zakar holds a powerful meaning. The letter Zayin is a blade, like a knife or the blade of a plow. It cuts into the earth and turns over the ground to expose what is underneath. Kaph is a picture of a bent hand like the hand of God providing what is needed. Resh literally means head or beginning. So when you put all of this together, you get the picture that to remember is to cut through the hard earth or hurt of our past and begin to see what has been hidden so that God can provide what we need to have a new beginning. We can be buried under the hurt and pain of the past or we can trust God to be faithful in keeping his covenant with us and bring us to a place where we can experience a fresh start. 

Steps in Pursuit

  1. Take a few moments to remember some pleasant times in the past and thank God for those cherished times.
  2. Prayerfully ask God to give you the strength to partner with him in healing hurtful memories. He is so gentle and kind. Give him permission to direct the process by bringing to your recollection one hurt that he desires to heal and then move forward from there.
  3. Recalling God’s faithfulness in times past is a great way to worship and build your personal faith as you partner with him.

Choosing to remember not only brings healthy freedom in our lives, but it honors the faithfulness of a covenant keeping God.

Continue the Pursuit,


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