Kingdom Identity

Image seems to be everything in our ever-changing society. Our closets are overflowing with trending fashions. Our homes reflect the most sought-after designs from Pinterest to HGTV. Advertising firms work hard to convince us that we need the latest upgrade of everything from cosmetics to technology in order to stay “fresh” and on the cutting edge of life. Publicists work hard to help those in the lime light maintain their illustrious image, while other people may choose to form an image of their own making on social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.

Our perceptions of ourselves and others forms a powerful identity from which we interact with the world around us, directing our approach to life. Relationships are sometimes built on self-promotion rather than genuine care and closeness.  Is it possible that we are denying ourselves the immeasurable joy of being our true selves? Are we avoiding life lived from originality just to avoid the pain of being judged and possibly rejected?

Whether we admit it or not, from the beginning of our lives we are each searching for the answers to “Who am I?” and “What significance does my life have in this world?” Throughout our lives we begin to receive feedback from those around us that begins to collect in the reservoir of our soul. This collection produces different responses from us. Often, we find ourselves working hard to please those around us in an attempt to gain their approval. This route involves a relentless striving to live up to perceived expectations. At other times, we react by promoting an image forged out of our own conclusions and self-evaluation. Neither of these choices seem to lend themselves to a deeply satisfying existence. As is true for any design, the Designer holds the keys to reveal true pleasure in living life from the original blueprint and purpose. No counterfeit can accurately display the exquisite glory of original design. Nothing can compare to the incredible pleasure of carrying the glory of God in our individually unique ways. Interwoven in the very strands of our DNA is a God given design that sets us apart from every other human being on the face of planet Earth. We are each a sparkling gemstone crafted by God’s love for eternity.

But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

(2 Corinthians 3:16-18)

The Holy Spirit, like an expert artisan, flows through our lives to cut and polish our rough edges into the glorious reflection of our original design held together in the setting of Jesus Christ. 

Steps in Pursuit:

  1. Reflect upon the image that you are presenting to others around you. Prayerfully ask God to help you begin to see yourself through his loving acceptance of you. Forgive yourself for any self-rejection.
  2. Identify significant times throughout life when you felt you did not measure up to the expectations of others. Can you recognize a part of your true identity that was invalidated? Take time to thank God for his design of you and ask Holy Spirit to breath resurrection power over any rejected parts.
  3. Philippians 4:8 gives us a great filter to place over our minds and hearts. Begin to use the words in this verse to provide the framework for what we speak over the identities of ourselves and others.

As we accept our true identities and allow the love of God to fill us, we can begin to hear the beautiful sound of the master craftsman’s chisel hewing our design to catch every sparkle of the son’s reflection and radiate unique Kingdom glory into the world around us.

Continue the Pursuit,


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