Is Energy Healing New Age?

We live in an incredible time of discovery. As scientists continue to explore
the world of quantum physics, we marvel at the mysteries of creation. The
greater understanding of the flow of energy in our bodies and how it supports life
and health, enables us as Christians to take the design and acknowledge the
loving Creator God, who is the giver of all life.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what
has been made, so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1:20, NASB)
Unfortunately, because a lot of the effective healing treatments are being
developed and practiced from a New Age worldview, the Christian community has
considered these practices unsafe and even ungodly. This response leaves us
abandoning to New Age practitioners, creative design and development of helpful
resources that God has given to his children to use to bring healing and blessing
to the world. Enveloped in any theory of change is a worldview of humanity,
philosophy of life and theology. The term “New Age” is used very broadly for a
wide scope of contemporary and ancient beliefs and practices. But there are
some common fundamental aspects of New Age that will help us recognize what
truths have been distorted.

New Age Concepts:

  1. Monism and Pantheism
    Monism- all is “one”. All things are thought to be part of one whole energy of
    consciousness (spirit). God is seen as the universal animating principle, without
    Pantheism- is the view that everything is part of God and that the Universe
    (nature) and God are equivalent. God is thought to be a generic life force that
    permeates all things.
  2. Evil does not exist
    If all is “one”, then there cannot be any evil. In order for something to be good or
    evil, there would have to be some kind of distinction between things.
    Discernment would imply separateness. With the absence of evil, comes the
    absence of death. Reincarnation becomes an endless rehearsals of life in order to
    become more and more enlightened.
  3. Universal divinity- everything and everyone is god.
  4. No absolute truth- the source of all truth and knowledge is within each

There are other beliefs forming the New Age philosophy and framework, but
these help bring clarity for the Christian community in sorting out God’s design
that is made to bring health, and the fallen world’s distorted version.

Steps in Pursuit:
1. It can be challenging to separate the biblical view of humanity and path to
life and healing, verses the philosophies that have been framed by fallen
humanity. However, when we avoid redeeming any distorted resource, we
allow the enemy to have free reign over that territory. What is our role as
Christians in redeeming fallen creation?
2. Praise God for his amazing creation. Recognize the divine order of Creator
and creation. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and
the sky shows His handiwork.”
3. When confronted with people who have a different worldview, ask God to
give you the grace to treat them in a loving manner.

It is important for us as God’s Kingdom representatives, to lead the way in
stewarding the vast resources that God has created for life and blessing. We have
a responsibility to reclaim anything that has been distorted by the fallen world. I
am committed to do this in the area of energetic healing. Will you join me?

Continue the Pursuit,

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