Framing the Season

As the days begin to shorten and fall turns to winter, many people see a gradual

 change in their moods. Even though the holiday seasons are filled with family gatherings and celebration, there can be emotional struggles that can interfere with the enjoyment of winter. It is not uncommon to hear things like one client described just this week,

“Every year when it begins to turn cold, I start feeling more depressed, it is like a switch has been turned on.”

I have seen many people over the years, who report this type of seasonal mood change. There are common symptoms that are consistently reported such as: depression, lack of concentration, fatigue, appetite changes and anxiousness. Although there can be many variables that factor into each individual’s circumstance, there are also helpful steps that individuals can take to bring realignment in the spirit, soul and body.

Let’s start with the body. When the days get shorter and cooler, we typically may spend less time outdoors getting the natural sunlight that our body needs to produce vitamin D. We get vitamin D when ultraviolet rays shine on the skin, prompting the body to create vitamin D3, which the liver and kidneys then turn into the useable vitamin D. “Vitamin D is important for bone health, calcium absorption, reduction of inflammation, promoting cell growth and immune and cardiovascular support,” said Dr. Mike Ren, assistant professor of family and community medicine at Baylor. “People can have vitamin D deficiency for a few months and be fine, but prolonged low levels can cause bone and thyroid health to deteriorate.” Boosting Vitamin D supplements can be helpful through the winter months. Some exposure to bright light using a device called a light box, which mimics natural sunlight can also be beneficial.

Emotional health can be supported by implementing algorithms structured to release anxiety and depression that the body is carrying. Using these tapping techniques consistently throughout the winter season can give the soul emotional release that helps maintain balance.

Grief Algorithm: EB- E – CB-Bilaterals 

Anxiety Algorithm: E- A- CB-Bilaterals/CB- A- CB-Bilaterals/A- E- CB-Bilaterals

As you tap a few times on each acupoint, you hold the intention in your mind and heart to release the depression, grief or anxiety that your body has been holding. At the end of each line in the anxiety algorithm, tap on each side of the body to stimulate the bilateral rebalancing in the brain for about 20 sec, before moving to the next line. These can be done fairly quickly, a few times a day with great benefit for emotional realignment!

Our spirits can be encouraged as we partner with God, in framing up positive expectations for the winter months, regardless of what we have experienced in past winter seasons. We reinforce the dread we feel by accepting the negative thoughts and feelings as inevitable. Living from past seasons can set us up to repeat patterns in our lives. God is always moving in new ways to produce growth and healing.

Behold, I am going to do something new, now it will spring up; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19, NASB)

Steps in Pursuit

  1. Using Isaiah 43:19, agree with the new season that God is leading you into. Ask Him to bring you greater awareness of the role you have in partnering with Him to see it begin to shift things in your life and circumstances.
  2. Explore the benefits of implementing the algorithms throughout the winter months and notice the emotional changes that occur.
  3. Pursue supplemental support and nutritional meals to fuel the body with what it needs this season.

These seasonal patterns of the past can continue to rob us of the joy and benefit that God has created the winter season to hold for us, or we can embrace the power we have been given to pursue abundant life in Christ in every season. God will continue to provide what we need to break out of old unhealthy patterns, as we align with his heart and mindset. I’m praying that winter will be the womb that holds the beautiful promises of spring for each of you.

Continue the Pursuit,


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