Emotional Realignment and Essential Oils

One thing you may notice when you enter my office is the wonderful aroma of essential oils. I have found through the years that essential oils are a beneficial resource in releasing emotional hurts. When you breathe oil the molecules go straight to the brain in a central part called the amygdala. This is the central headquarters of the limbic system, which manages your storage and filing system for all your emotional experiences. That part of the brain only responds to smell. This is why when you smell apple pie, for example, you may find yourself back in your grandmother’s kitchen as a little child. 

Even though the center of the brain coordinates the emotional memories, the memories are not stored there. When we have an emotional experience, especially a traumatic or painful one, the amygdala assigns a part of your body to remember that experience until you are ready to deal with it. Dr. David Stewart describes in his book Healing Oils of the Bible, how the body is composed of some 100 trillion cells each with a strand of DNA capable of storing up to six gigabytes of memory that can replicate RNA memory strands without limit. The emotional brain can delegate any place in your body to store a feeling or an emotional memory. You will never run out of memory storage space. What you carry in your body is greater than the combined memories of all the computers in the world. You and every other human being has this amazing capability. 

Essential oils have three biochemical aspects responsible for bringing healing properties: Phenylpropanoids, Monoterpenes, and Sesquiterpenes. They cleanse cell receptor sites, deprogram incorrect information from cellular memory, and reprogram correct information to insure proper cell-to-cell communication and maintain healthy bodily functions. The essential oils help restore the body back to its natural state of balance and health at the most basic and fundamental levels within the cells. The other amazing quality that the essential oils have has to do with their electrical properties. All essential oils carry electrical charges, usually electrons or negative ions, which are healing and healthful. Research has shown that the frequencies of the essential oils are between 52-320 MHz- the highest of all known substances. By comparison, fresh herbs measure 20-27 MHz and fresh produce 5-10 MHz.

Six Ways that Essential Oils Support Us

  1. As fighters against unfriendly microbes
  2. As balancers of bodily functions
  3. As raisers of our bodily frequencies
  4. As antioxidants that purify our systems
  5. As clearers of negative emotional baggage
  6. As uplifters of our spiritual awareness

I would encourage you to try using essential oils and experience for yourself the numerous health benefits. There are several books that can help in your discovery but a couple that I have enjoyed are Healing Oils of the Bible by David Stewart and Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Carolyn L. Mein 

Essential oils are just one tool I use in helping people recover from trauma. I invite you to join me on September 21st at the Natural Wellness Summit to find out more!

Continue the Pursuit,


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