Crossing Over Into 2025

We cross out of and into places and time often throughout our days without giving it a second thought. How many times do you go in and out of rooms or in and out of your car as you go here and there? We even find ourselves flowing in and out of day and night as we click off another date on the calendar. These moments and so many more lines of demarcation occur at thresholds. We are all about to cross over into 2025 in just a few days. Although we tend to move through these moments without really thinking about it many times, there is in the spiritual realm some intentional importance to these happenings. God has been drawing my attention to this reality for the past several years, beginning at the passing of my Dad in 2021. After Dad’s passing in May of that year, God began using a series of books and other events to reveal a pattern that I had never recognized before. When we approach a significant threshold in our lives in the spirit, we will encounter a test in the form of resistance. These tests come down to the same basic question: “Do you trust God in this situation?”

A familiar verse in Proverbs says “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (3:5-6)

In other words, we and the generations coming after us, will have a straight path across the thresholds into the blessings and expansion that lies ahead, instead of having to “wander in the wilderness” for a few more seasons because we decided to lean on our own understanding, strength, agenda… Does that sound familiar? We have all been guilty of repeating the same mistakes and failing the tests. The Israelites are a huge example of seeing the power of God moving on their behalf, making a way for them when there was no way. When they had the opportunity to advance into promises, they were intimidated by what they saw in the natural, instead of keeping their eyes and hearts set on God. Where they failed the test, the next generation was able to pass with the leadership of Joshua. It’s interesting that Joshua means “God is deliverance” or “Yahweh saves”. As Joshua was preparing to lead the people across the threshold of the Jordan, into the promises that God had for them, he had an encounter with God. Not only was this the time that Joshua crossed into leadership after Moses death, but he was also about to face the “giants of resistance” in the land. God encouraged his heart to trust Him with, “Be strong! Do not be terrified or dismayed, for Adonai your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, TLV) The challenge remains for us to keep our eyes on the one who is with us and making a way for us to advance into the promises that are on His heart for us. As we follow His leading and trust His heart for us, we will safely cross over into the new territory.

Steps in Pursuit

  1. Spend time with God before January 1, 2025 to tune into His heart for this new year and ask Him to lead you, as you surrender in trust.
  2. Often I will lead my clients to use a collarbone statement to reinforce the positive shift that they are making. Tap right below your collarbones as you repeat a statement such as “My whole heart trusts in God’s plans for this new year.” Repeat 3x’s to reinforce the strength of that belief.
  3. Pay attention to the resistance you may be encountering at this threshold and recognize that where you are experiencing the testing, may be the very place of advancement that God is inviting you into, such as finances, relationships, career, etc.

I pray that you and your households will experience the joy of the goodness of God as you enter into 2025…

Continue the Pursuit,


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