The human body is an amazing creation of God! The interconnected systems which operate to give us life, flow with incredible accuracy. As a holistic practitioner, I have recognized the impact that emotions can have on the physical body. When we consistently recognize our emotional health and manage it openly with wisdom, our body is able to function without anything causing a disruption to healthy flow. Our bodies will inform us, however, through the language of pain and imbalance when there are emotional blocks interfering. My colleague and fellow instructor at Living Well University, Lorie Bunch, shared an overview recently of the 12 body systems and the picture of dynamic health when all systems are operating harmoniously. It really brought a deeper appreciation to the verse found in Psalm 139:14,
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
There are common patterns that we see when the body is holding onto negative emotions. Here are a few that consistently show up in the therapeutic process:
- Worry and anxiety can cause imbalance in the digestive system.
- Fear and dread can disrupt the urinary system.
- Anger and repression can impact the liver or gallbladder (I have had several clients report that they no longer have a gallbladder.)
- Rejection and heartache can cause imbalance with hormones.
- Generational patterns can cause misalignment in the spine.
These are just a few of the physical imbalances that can occur because there are emotions blocking the flow of healthy life. If you find yourself needing an adjustment from your chiropractor in the same body point because it continues to move out of alignment, it may be because there is an emotion that is energetically interfering. Once the emotion is identified and released, the body is able to realign. The body will reveal what is happening in our inner beings.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Karol Truman, in her book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, writes, “In our younger years, many of us were taught to shut off or close down the emotional facet of our Being. We were programmed to deny feelings, to bury them. If our feelings were hurt or we didn’t like something the way it was, we were taught to “forget it;” “ignore it;” “it doesn’t matter;” “don’t think about it;” or “be quiet and it might go away.” Well, guess what? “It”- those feelings- didn’t go away! On the contrary, they registered somewhere inside us.” I have the honor of working with individuals, who don’t want to live with pain or imbalances in their body, but choose to partner with God in aligning their body, soul and spirit to a greater flow of life.
Steps in Pursuit
- Honestly evaluate if there are certain emotions that you tend to stuff in your body rather than addressing them. Can you recognize the places in your body that are trying to communicate a problem?
- When you were younger, were you encouraged to share your feelings or did you develop unhealthy habits because of the responses of those around you?
- The following prayer was adapted from Truman’s book:
“Holy Spirit, please search out in me and locate the origin of my conscious and sub-conscious destructive cellular memories which caused the incorrect perceptions that created feelings, thoughts and beliefs of:______________. Take each and every layer and aspect of my Being to these origins. Resolve them perfectly with God’s truth.”
Realigning the body doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does require honesty with what lies within.
Continue the Pursuit,