Barefoot in the Grass

The weather is warming up and children are out of school for the summer! Now is the perfect time to head outside and get some much needed time enjoying the beauty of creation. One simple way to enjoy the outdoors and gain some significant health benefits is to take your shoes off and go barefoot in the grass. Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a highly respected cardiologist with an integrative approach to treating cardiovascular disease wrote an article discussing how the practice of “grounding” or “earthing” could be the anti-inflammatory antidote for the modern man. 

Inflammation is defined as a localized response to trauma or infection that can wall off damaged tissues until the immune system removes foreign matter, damaged cells, and microbes. A low level of chronic inflammation, often referred to as “silent inflammation”, can continue for years, damaging and compromising the function of adjacent healthy tissues and unnecessarily weakening the immune system. Practitioners of integrative medicine treat their patients with factors such as a non-inflammatory diet, targeted nutritional supplementations, detoxification maneuvers, mind/body techniques, and now grounding to the earth’s energy (electrons and the Schumann resonances).

Grounding or earthing the body is having direct contact with the natural electric charge of the earth (electrons). This energetic phenomenon includes the Schumann resonances, an electromagnetic “vibration” (7.83 Hz, fundamental frequency) in the atmosphere as well as a humming of the energetic surface of the earth. Modern lifestyles, especially using footwear that does not possess a natural conductive affinity for the earth’s surface, has created a disconnect with the electrons of the earth. Research over the last decade demonstrate that grounding studies have documented results including reduced inflammation and pain, better sleep, improved response to trauma and injuries with accelerated wound healing and improved blood flow. Grounding contributes to a de-stressing and balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system, which promotes healthier emotional and mental health as well. When earth connection is restored through grounding, electrons flood throughout the body, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress while also reinforcing the body’s own defense mechanisms. Electron transfers are the basis of virtually all antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. And the earth may very well be the ultimate supplier!

Steps in Pursuit

  1. Experiment with the benefits of grounding by going barefoot for 15-20 minutes daily for several days.
  2. Use the time outside to meditate on the beauty of God’s creation, through prayer or playing worship music as you ground.
  3. Sit with family or friends and have some time to connect through conversation, while practicing the grounding.

Improving physical and emotional health can be as simple as going barefoot in the grass! 

Continue the Pursuit,


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